Friday, December 28, 2007

Fun stuff

For whatever reason he wanted to have that pose where he's looking off into the distance, wearing a tuxedo shirt and a cape.(I drew long sleeves before realizing that he meant a tuxedo T-shirt)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

British people looove caricatures. They are so fun!
San Diego people looove their Chargers!
Rock stars loooove their panties!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Aaron Philby breifly had this Spanish Conquistador look going on.
Enrique Plazola
Jared Lipscomb


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And so ends my first summer at Sea World, San Diego

What a great summer it has been! It has been an honor to have worked alongside such talented artists, and to also make great new friends. It is totally incredible to be around so many people that love doing this as much and maybe even more than I do. Thanks for everybody's hard work!

Aaron being totally creepy as usual.

Sometimes ya gotta draw little kids

Cara gets drawn

This is Cara Williams an awesome Letterbrush artist from Sea World and a friend of hers.