Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sylvia Browne Illustration

I was cleaning out my emails when I found this illustration I did in '07 for the Skeptical Inquirer. The article was about one of Browne's bigger psychic blunders in which she told the family of a missing son who had been gone for four years, he was dead. A spokesman for the family said Browne also tried to get money from the family to continue their discussion. However, the missing child and another boy were found alive shortly after Browne's reading. She was also completely inaccurate when describing the boy's abductor.

The illustration depicts Browne as a carnival "guesser". Obviously not a "real psychic".

Thought I'd share it.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Damian Azul Urzua

Andy's emo baby, Damian. The coolest baby in the world.

That my baby, Julia. She's pretty cool, too.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Convention Art

Eric "Red Face" Smith

Claire("Clear") Atenau

Chris Singleton

Jeff Pecina

Enrique Plazola

Yonie Woo

The Management Crew

Drawing I did of the management staff of caricatures at Sea World. I'll post the color version when it's finished.

(clockwise from top left: Nate Kapnicky, Me, Jeremy Stock, Claire Altenau, Beau Hufford)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Convention Artwork 2009

Hello again...

3 months without internet in my apartment. Hey, everybodys got internet somewhere, but I guess I decided to take a break from blogging altogether.