Its always a fun challenge when customers want their background to be something that you've never drawn before and you know you'll enjoy doing it...
...and then there are the ones that you've drawn a million times but you still find a way to make it different so it feels original. Like thinking about all the different ways you can draw somebody sitting on that Shamu,or whatever...
...but the best is when you dont have to think too hard to come up with a funny idea!
i like the shark mouth framing the feet
Thanks I was wonderin if that looks weird or not
these are so phenomenal. i wonder if your customers have any idea how lucky they are...
haha they wanted the kid to have the mustache?? awesome stuff.
They were walking by the stand, and I saw how he was dressed so I said "hey, I'll draw him as Mario". They decided to do it and of course they were okay with the moustache
nice work! I like that turtle one, and its expression too.
haha the mario sketch is great i like the angle and way the boys coming towards the you.
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